Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Album 2009-2012

Album with selected works, now available on Blurb!!! Follow the link to the store !

Monday, 17 December 2012

Ronţ Cronţ

Zarvă mare-n poieniţă!
Ronţăie o veveriţă:
Ronţ-cronţ, ţup în pom!
Cranţ-zbanţ, n-are somn.
Vântu-i vântură codiţa
Roşcată precum blăniţa,
O înfoaie – ciumăfaie.
Frigul intră în odaie,
Scorbura e tare mică;
Fă-i un loc pe rămurică!
Bate vântul în rafale,
Nucile pornesc la vale.
Ghinda a-nceput să sară,
Nu încape în cămară.
Pleacă şi alunele.
Du-te şi adună-le!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Cochonel, mândru purcel,
Un godac mai rotofel,
Pregătit parcă-i de poze
În şpilhozen cu dungi roze.
Fericit, el işi arată
O codiţă inelată,
Răsucită de zăduf.
Îndesat ca un burduf,
Cu suzetă în botic
Se gândeşte la lăptic:
Groh-groh Groh, Uf-uf, Gluf-gluf!

Monday, 19 November 2012


Puiul oii e un miel
Firav ca un ghiocel.
Parca-l striga:  Lionel!
Cu blăniţa firicele,
Răsucită în inele,
Drăgălaş cu coadă scurtă
Paşte iarbă, sare, zburdă
În poiana cu leurdă.
Râul curge cătinel;
Ghemotocul mititel,
Fără voie, cade-n el.
Apa-i rece, pielea udă,
Oaia behăie zăludă
Cineva să o audă!
Hai acasă, Lionel!
Me-he-he! – răspunde el.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Autumn Sun

- Oh there is nothing better than the autumn sun...
- But mom, there's something!
- What is it honey?
- To be with you! Being with you is better...

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Special Offer

Starting today until November 30, 2012, for every order of two prints placed on this blog you get one print of your choice for free,  the same size of the ones you ordered, or the smaller if you ordered different sizes.  Just let me know the title of the illustration you want on your way to check out  or send me an e-mail.
You can find here a list with all the limited edition fine art prints  available for sale on this blog.
Other places when you can find prints of my illustrations are: SaatchiOnline and RedBubble.
Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Adam and Eve

There is not such thing as perfection not because we can't reach it, but because we are not able to accept it.

On the other hand don't you find redheads irresistible?

Original not available.
You can puchase  fine art prints from Saatchi Online!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Little Fish Swimming on the Carpet

- Mom, I get a little sad when I look at your drawing.
- Why honey?
- Because the little fish is going to die.
- No it's not! You are going to save it.
- I am!?!

Original as well as fine art prints are available on Saatchi Online.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Carlota and her Magic Birds

You don't know how to fly!? I can teach you if you want. You just have to say it!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Flashbacks from the Future

Are you ready? I say you should prepare! The future is not what it seems to be ;)

Original as well as fine art prints are available on Saatchi Online.