Few days ago I received some copies of my very first book. Publishing this book was a great achievement for me and it feels like it opened a great new road to me. I hope that will be many more to come and that they will get better and better.
Author: Undina Bubur
Publisher: Galaxia Copiilor/ ALL ©2013
Shop: http://www.all.ro/carte/dorinta-lui-oaky.html
Publisher: Galaxia Copiilor/ ALL ©2013
Shop: http://www.all.ro/carte/dorinta-lui-oaky.html
As dori si eu carticica :) Stii cumva cum pot proceda? Imi plac foarte mult desenele tale. Felicitari si multa inspiratie in continuare!
DeleteSe poate cumpara de pe http://www.all.ro/carte/dorinta-lui-oaky.html, dar si din alte magazine online cred. In curand va aprea si in librarii in caz ca nu a aparut deja.